The Diocese of Central Tanganyika 

Buigiri School for the Blind



  1. Buigiri School for the Blind is located 34 km east of Dodoma on the Dar es Salaam Road. It is operated by DCT with some government support. Buigiri is an award winning primary school with a highly regarded academic reputation.

  2. Buigiri opened in 1950 as the first school for blind children in Tanzania. Initially only blind boys were admitted, but now students include girls as well as some sighted children.

  3. Through diligent work, good teaching, and first-class leadership provided by the Head Teacher (who is himself totally blind), Buigiri offers more than a quality education. It teaches strong leadership skills in a spiritually based environment. It also has one of the most renowned choirs in Tanzania.

  4. Buigiri Newsletter March 2013.pdf



Head Teacher

+255 (0)


Mackay House

PO Box 15

Dodoma, Tanzania

Diocesan Office | Mackay House | PO Box 15 | Dodoma, Tanzania | Rt. Rev. Dickson Chilongani